well....today equals tired. long day but good day. i worked, and that always means good things. i started work at Rosie Jane this morning where, we had some exciting news! we had some major press come out this week in People Magazine for Leila Lou as Jennifer Aniston's favorite perfume! pretty much exciting. so, we had a ton of press kits we had to put together for all of our clients/boutiques who carry the fragrance along with a LOAD of new orders because of the popularity and celebrity association. it's a really cool learning experience. Rosie (the creator/owner of the company) is Jennifer Aniston's personal makeup artist so, that is the connection. :) J. Aniston gave her a big shoutout! foooo shizz. we have some more press coming out next week in USweekly and one more magazine, not sure what yet. but, it's all very exciting to be a part of. Rosie initially brought me on as an assistant/sales rep. because of the the launch of the new fragrance. now that it is really taking off, i feel fortunate to have gotten on at an early stage so i am able to watch and learn from the growing process.
i ended my day with some formal Bobbi Brown training...the first official day. it was kind of brain fill overload. i'm afraid a lot of what i learned went in one ear and out the other. eeeek. guess that means more reading for this gal. regardless, i am soooo thrilled to be joining this company as well. lots of opportunities and ways for advancement. even if it is years down the line...gotta start somewhere!
i am thankful for my life every single day. at times, when i forget about how free spirited and emotion-driven i am, i worry about security and stability and finances, etc...i mean, that's the point i am in my life, more serious responsibilities. but, those are the times that i lose sight of the most important things... happiness and the joy of doing what i TRULY love. being brave enough to put all fear aside and say to myself, that's what i want??...well, why CAN'T i?? i'm doing it. i don't wanna take it for granted. it's the balance between real life and dream land that i have to conquer. there is a way! i know it.
leaving you with a little something i wrote down while i was home. i found my senior yearbook (that had been lost for 6 years) and read what my mom and dad had written to me as a 'senior farewell' note. it kind of gave me chills. this is why they are my favorite people... :) p.s. my favorite parts are in ALL CAPS.
''as you leave home remember...through the days and years of your life, you do not go unnoticed. you leave an impression along the way. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF CHANGE, BE AFRAID OF NOT CHANGING. DO NOT MEASURE GROWTH BY TIME BUT RATHER BY EXPERIENCE and do not measure your success by another's. BE TRUE TO YOURSELF lydia and seek God's will for your own. you may not think you have made much of a difference in this world, but you have in ours! we love you and are so proud of you.''