Well.... After days of traveling, 3 flights, a cancelled and a delayed flight... I made it to the other side of the world. I am somewhere around 6 thousand miles away from home and everything I know. I'm in Australia! First stop, Perth. The agenda includes a stop in, Adalaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne. Then, onto New Zealand! We complete our tour in Aukland but I don't stop there!... Planning to stay in Aukland for 3 extra days and take my happy bottom to Fiji to wrap up "vacation" on the isles of Fiji. Preferably in a beachfront bungalow In my bikini. Yup! A trip of a lifetime for me and definitely one I will always remember.
This week consists of rehearsals... In preparation for our first show on Friday. But, today consists of, pool time! Yes, currently I am blogging poolside. :) I hope to keep posting throughout my glorious travels (my mom will certainly appreciate it). Love
from the other side of the globe! xx
Here are a few pics of my first days in Aussie land...
Be strong. Be smart. Be bold.
Location:Perth, Australia