as i was writing that last post, i knew there were some big changes occurring in the near future. little did i know, it would be a move across the entire country. yep, there, i said it. i'm moving from california to new york! & really freakin excited about it. :) as of may of 2010 i have been pondering the thought of leaving los angeles (for whatever reason). i didn't know where i was going to go, or what i was going to do, or how i was even going to get there and when. but, i knew with the right timing, it would all unfold and happen just the way it should. it all does, right?? i tend to think it's a little/BIG man named God, that is on my team. no matter how much i question anything in my life, he intends for me to do that... he intends for me to struggle and wonder and seek because it will always teach me something. in this case, it was patience; to understand that no matter what the circumstance, i am not in control and i need to CHILL, and believe he will work it out. :)
so, anyway i went to NY for fashion week. i had the most amazing experience both personally and professionally and would like to relive that trip over and over again. but instead, i'm moving there. my intentions are to continue doing what i do on the west coast, just transferring my life. literally. i have several pluses to this equation though...a. my best cali friend is coming with me, MEGGO! b. we will be living with my college roommate and dearest friend, AMANDA! i look forward to connecting 2 of my favorite people from 2 of the best times of my life. things are seeming to fall into place for the most part. which is why i know it's just right. i knew i could NEVER leave california without knowing it was right. i always said, i'll know when i'm supposed to go. and knowing that is the only thing that makes this move easy.
this experience and this beautiful place have been so good for me and my soul. i am thankful and blessed to say i did it and could never be more amazed at the opportunities i was presented. now...onto the next! ;) with great excitement!
You are, LITERALLY, living the Baz Luhrmann song "Sunscreen."
ReplyDelete"Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft."
So impressed by you Lydia...so very impressed.
--Abbey T.--