so, the weekend was SUPERB. it was sunday, around 5:30 and i was preparing for my lengthy run around central park. (considering i am running a half marathon in less than 3 weeks, it was pretty much necessary. always dreaded but thankful in the long run- no pun intended). it was almost dark outside so i volunteered bradley to tag along with me. since he hadn't run in a while, he was hesitant but, took me up on the begging. so, here we are, sun setting, sunday evening ready for our 6 mile run to harlem and back. always a little anxious and nervous at the same time, i wasn't so sure how i would hold up. BUT thanks to my little running friend and some specialized and personalized encouragement along the way, we did it!! it was these little messages about every tenth of a mile that had been hand written in sidewalk chalk that read "BEcOMe YOuR DREaM" with little fishy bubble thingys. it was my driving force! really!
we should all not only follow our dream but, BECOME our dreams. it's important. make it happen. anything is possible. & i will preach it till i dieeeee. :) happy monday! happy march 1! happy birthday to my bestie Jenni Duggan! happy sleepytime & goodnight.
''Don't worry, Be happy.''
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