Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ruled by the road...

Apparently, I have been living in a bubble for the past 6 months. Or wait, yeah... I kinda have. At least some like to refer to it as the "tour bubble," which, is a real thing folks. A crazy thing happened to me in May. The 25th of May (to be precise). I left New York, my home, Bradley P. and headed for Omaha, Nebraska 'somewhere in the middle of America' to begin what I might call one of the coolest and unique experiences of my life.... OK! OK! I gave up my life (temporarily) for T. Swift. No big.
Dream job people. For sure.
How do I describe it? Well, I couldn't begin to catch us up on the lost time. But I will say, in short, freakin difficult, same people everyday, like clockwork. Just kidding (kind of). It's been surreal. A real blessing, a fortune of pure happiness and fulfillment.
ANYWHo...we are mid way through this life on the road, I'm sitting in San Jose, California, and I'm turning 25 tomorrow! So....some burning desire in my heart has forced me to re-enter the blog zone. That, and the fact that Brad googled me today and my blog came up. I considered it a sign. We go through different things in our lives, sometimes exciting, sometimes dull and boring, sometimes sad, & sometimes really unbelievable things happen to us. My mom taught me the importance of keeping a diary. A record of my daily thoughts, a journal of life, in general. something I can share with my kids someday. Let me just say, this I will tell them alllll about.
Highlights of the past year: (It is OFFICIALLY my birthday!)
I. August 31, 2010 I turned 24 and little did I know, that was a highlight in itself! It has been the best yet.
II. September 2010 I go to NYc to work my first fashion week as a makeup artist/hairstylist.
III. September 9, 2010 turned out to be a pretty epic day. I went on my first date with Bradley, the looove of my life, for realz.
IIII. Went back to Los Angeles, to proceed with my so called "good life" and decided within a week, I AM MOVING TO NEW YORK!
IV. October 2010- I MOVED TO NEW YORK!!
V. November 2010 I landed my first NYC 'desk job'.... Well, not the best highlight but, I was really thanking the Lord for this one.
VI. Fast forward to 6 months filled with romantic, blissful, heart throbbing days in the city with my man and here I am...
VII. on tour with Taylor Swift, doing what I love.
It's been pretty rad. & I'm thanking my lucky stars, everyday.
P.s. I'm hoping to make a serious comeback. I'm also hoping my roman numerals are accurate because I didn't look a single one up. ;)
Happy 25.