Friday, January 6, 2012

cappuccino friday!

Sitting at a coffee shop on the Upper West Side, taking in this Friday afternoon the best I know how. Sipping on a cappuccino-yumm, planning my trip to New Zealand, and trying to figure out what the heck I will do this weekend...(as taylor swift plays in the background--whyyy?? I mean, I love her and all but, cliche a bit? What happened to coffee house music? You know, that unique stuff, with the never heard before weird lyrics?) oh well... Onto more planning & searching for inspiration & stumbling across pinterest and Facebook every now and again.

By the way, last night with Amanda was perfect. Joyful, filled with laughter, red wine, a new restaurant downtown, long talks about everything from guys to work to hair color & Brazilian waxes (too much? Sorry). Re-kindling at its finest, just as I had wished for. We both left with huge smiles on our faces & boy am I thankful for that!

Happy Friday!

Ohhhh! A good, strange song just came on! I don't know it & I like it! Feeling a little better about this...